Bitget API Trading Guideline
API introduction
Bitget provides you with powerful APIs, which you can use to query the market. Learn more about them in the API Document (This document is the only official document of Bitget API. We will constantly update the functionalities of Bitget API here. Please pay attention to it regularly.)
If you need to use the API, please log in to the Bitget webpage, then apply the API key application and complete the permission configuration as per the below instructions, and then develop and trade according to the details of the API document.
Bitget API Creation Guide
Important notes before you proceed:
- Please do not leak your key to avoid any loss of assets. The key is only presented once at the time of creation.
- For security reasons, we recommend that each API Key should not be bound to more than 10 IP addresses. If there is only one IP address, you can enter it directly. If there is more than one IP address, you should separate them with a semicolon.
For example:,,
- A passphrase needs to be set when creating a new API.
If you want to use API to trade, please follow the instructions below:
- Log in to your Bitget account - Head to personal center - Click ‘API Management’ - then ‘Create New API.’
- Enter Notes - API passphrase - Permission settings - Link IP address - Verification codes
After completing the API creation, you can view, edit, and delete.
For more details, please see Bitget’s API documentation.
How to Report Tax Via Bitget API
Tax Reporting allows you to keep track of your crypto activities in order to ensure you are fulfilling the reporting requirements laid out by your regulatory bodies. With Bitget taxing API and related third-party taxing tools, you are able to have all your transactions tracked and accounted for automatically.
On Bitget website
- Log in to your Bitget account and click [Account] - [API Management] - click [Create API]
- Fill in the required API information and store your unique Passphrase (API password) and Secret Key in a safe manner.
- Complete 2FA verification and click [Next].
Please select a third-party tax tool you would like to use. (Please note: Bitget is not endorsing any particular third-party tax tool software. Please exercise your own discretion and/or consult your personal tax adviser based on your personal tax circumstances and requirements when selecting third-party tax tools.
For the next instruction section, we will use Koinly as an example.
On the third-party tax tool website
- Visit the Koinly website and select your base currency and home country.
- Go to [Wallets], click [Add wallet], then select [Bitget].
- Label your wallet name, and click [Setup auto-sync].
- You will see a Setup Bitget API pop-up. Enter the unique API keys and Secret key you received from the Bitget API. Then, click [Secure Import].
The API keys will download your transaction history automatically and keep your data in sync. The information you need will be ready soon.
Disclaimer: Depending on the jurisdiction’s regulatory policy, when you trade cryptocurrencies, you would have to pay taxes duly. The regulatory policy for taxation of cryptocurrencies differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, hence we strongly advise you to contact your personal tax advisor for further information about your personal tax circumstances. Bitget does not provide any tax or investment advice. It is your personal duty to choose the correct jurisdiction for tax reporting. When using Bitget’s tax report tool, you acknowledge that Bitget is not making any kind of promotion to you and that the tool is intended only to facilitate the filing of tax report by users.