Bitget Beginner’s Guide
Welcome to Bitget – the world’s fastest-growing crypto derivatives trading platform. First of all, among many other platforms and exchanges, thank you for putting your trust and confidence in Bitget. We won’t settle for less than the best for you! Allow us to take this chance to walk you through the very basic first steps of your journey on Bitget!
Create Your Bitget Account
Getting started is a breeze! Here's a quick guide:
- Download the Bitget app (Android | iOS) or visit the Bitget website
- Click [Sign Up] and enter your email or phone number to create your account.
Bind and Change Your Mobile Number
Ensure your account's security by binding your mobile number using these straightforward steps:
- Binding: Visit the homepage, navigate to ‘Security Settings', and follow the prompts to bind your number.
Changing: In the same section, select 'Change' in the phone number column to update your details.
Bitget Login Guideline
You can choose the following login methods:
(1) Login with password
- Find the login entrance on the Bitget App/ Website
- Enter your account (mobile phone number or email) and password
- Receive Google verification code or (phone or email verification code). If the verification code is delayed, please try again or seek help from online customer service.
(2) Scan the QR code (applied for Bitget Website)
- Find the login entrance on the Bitget Website.
- When the Bitget APP is logged in, open the Bitget app and use the scan function in the upper right corner.
Notification/ Verification Code Issues
Facing issues with receiving codes? Here’s a quick troubleshooting:
- Retry sending the code.
- Check for possible blocks by third-party software (mobile) or check your spam folder (email).
Forget Login Password
If you forget your password, you can retrieve your password as follows:
- Find the login entrance on the Bitget APP or Bitget Website
- Click [Forgot your password]
- Enter the mobile phone number or email address you used when registering
- Reset password - Confirm password - Get verification code.
If you still need help, please seek help from online customer service at support@bitget.com
Complete Identity Verification
Identity Verification or Know Your Customer (KYC) standards are required for all users on Bitget to protect the account against fraud and financing risks. The verification process on Bitget is straightforward.
- First, log in to your Bitget account. Then click [the human figure] icon, then click [ID Verification], or you can go to this link.
- Click [Verify] in the Level 1 Verification box, fill out the country that issues your ID, and upload the pictures of your government-issued ID. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
Once you finish KYC Level 1, you can enjoy all Bitget's products and services without restrictions! If you are interested in bolstering the security of your account, you can complete KYC Level 2. Level 2 further requires the submission of proof of address.
Detailed guidelines: Your Quick Guide to KYC on Bitget
Fund Your Bitget Account
There are two ways to fund your account: (1) Buy crypto with fiat currencies, or (2) Deposit cryptos into your Bitget wallet from another cryptocurrency wallet.
- To purchase/ deposit/ withdraw cryptos, you need to complete Identity Verification first.
- There are no fees for crypto deposits on Bitget.
- Choose the right protocol (ERC20, TRC20, BEP2, BEP20, etc.) on the platform from which you withdraw your crypto. The protocol should be valid for your Bitget wallet address. Care should be taken, as selecting the wrong protocol may result in losing your assets.
More guidelines:
Buy crypto with fiat currencies
Depositing cryptocurrencies from external wallets into your account on Bitget (APP)
Depositing cryptocurrencies from external wallets into your account on Bitget (WEB)
Internal Asset Transfers on Bitget
Transfer funds between two Bitget accounts with ease:
- Log in and select [Assets] > [Withdraw]
- Choose [Internal transfer] and input the receiver’s details and amount.
Note: It's free and takes 1-3 minutes.
Address Wrong Deposits
If your deposit goes awry, here’s what to do based on the situation:
- Non-Bitget Address: Unable to retrieve assets.
- Below Minimum Deposit: This cannot be credited to your account.
- Mismatched Currencies: Email our support team your UID, details, and transaction ID.
- Unlisted Currency: Contact customer support at support@bitget.com.
Troubleshoot Uncredited Deposits
If your deposit isn’t reflecting, understand that transferring involves:
(1) Withdrawal from an external platform.
An asset withdrawal marked as "completed" or "successful" in the platform from which you're withdrawing your crypto means the transaction was successfully broadcast to the blockchain network. It does not mean it is credited to the platform you're depositing.
(2) Blockchain Confirmation: Wait during possible network delays.
When confirming the network, unpredictable blockchain congestion often occurs due to the excessive number of transfers. Please be patient if confirmations are still pending.
(3) Bitget Credits Funds: Once confirmed on the blockchain.
If an issue persists:
- Be patient if confirmations are still pending.
- Contact support@bitget.com if confirmations are done but no credit.
Checking Transaction Status on Blockchain
Monitor your deposit by entering the TXID at the relevant blockchain address (BTC, USDT (OMNI), USDT (TRC20), ETH (ERC20), LTC, BCH, ETC, TRX, XRP, EOS, etc.)
Bitget platform cleverly offers different types of trading products with a simple interface for even newbies to trade at ease.
Spot Trading on Bitget
What is Spot Trading? It’s the act of buying and selling an asset at the current market price for instant delivery.
More guidelines for Spot Trading:
Trading101: What Is Spot Trading?
The Ultimate Guide to Bitget Spot Trading
Managing Risks in Crypto Spot Trading
Futures Trading on Bitget
What is Futures Trading? A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to transact a particular asset at a specific future time, at a negotiated price. At its best, it helps traders improve their capital allocation with the introduction of margin and leverage, hedge portfolio risks, and smooth out turbulence.
More guidelines for Futures Trading:
What are Perpetual Futures Contracts?
The Ultimate Guide to Bitget’s Coin-Margined Futures
The Complete Guide to USDT-Margined Futures on Bitget
The Complete Guide to USDC-Margined Futures on Bitget
Copy Trading on Bitget
What is Copy Trading? Copy trading refers to the trading that investors follow other investors (commonly known as professional traders/ experts) to have the same positions in the futures market as the experts they are copying.
New to copy trading? Here, we have compiled some handbooks to clear up some beginner’s confusion about the easy-to-jump-on-board Bitget One-Click Copy Trade:
Things You Need to Know as a Trader
Things You Need to Know as a Follower
Copy Trading: Answers to the Most Commonly Asked Questions
Withdraw Assets from Bitget to Other platforms
Note: Fees apply and fluctuate based on market status. Check the Fee Schedule Page.
Bitget Cold Hot Wallets
Here is what you need to know about Bitget's cold wallet and hot wallet:
Bitget Cold Wallet
- It is not connected to the internet, reducing the possibility of online attacks.
- It uses multi-signature to achieve multiple authorizations.
- It uses offsite backup to reduce unexpected risks.
- Important data is stored by segment in a bank safer.
Bitget Hot Wallet
- Private keys are stored in a secure manner: Asymmetric keys are used to implement digital signatures to ensure data integrity. FIPS 140-2 verified HSM or HSM under FIPS 140-2 verification is used to generate private keys to deliver better protection.
- Wallet services are kept from the external environment through physical isolation and multiple layers of network isolation.
- Multiple verifications: Each withdrawal will go through multiple layers of risk control before it obtains a wallet signature.
- A risk control system based on big data: It prevents abnormal deposit and withdrawal activities that involve abnormal IP addresses, device IDs, deposit and withdrawal addresses or user behaviors, etc.
- Global reconciliation and real-time monitoring of asset changes.
Bitget adopts a dual-wallet approach, combining both hot and cold wallets to optimize security measures. The combination allows the exchange to offer a seamless trading experience while maintaining a high level of protection for user assets. The multi-layered security technology has been validated by top security companies like Suntwin Technology, Qingsong Cloud Security, HEAP, and Armors.
Manage Sub-Accounts
The sub-account feature allows you to manage smaller standalone Bitget accounts nested under a single main account. This is useful for isolating positions, assets, or access.
Please note that you need to verify your sub-account email address, and each Bitget main account can support up to 20 sub-accounts.
Creating a Sub-Account
Navigate to your profile, choose [Account Information], then [Sub-account], and click on [Create sub-account]. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the creating your sub-account.
Once the sub-account is successfully created, it can be viewed in the "Sub-account management" list, where you can manage your account permissions.
Managing Sub-Account Permissions
You can review and manage assets, orders, API, transfer records, login history, and operational history for each sub-account.
1. Sub-account Asset: You can check the balance of all sub-accounts, either in the value of BTC, USDT or a fiat currency. Simply click [Transfer in] or [Transfer out] to instantly transfer assets between the main account and sub-accounts without any fees.
2. Sub-account Order: You can check [Open Orders], [Order History] and [Trading Details] of all your sub-accounts. You can also filter orders by order types, dates and trading pairs.
3. API Management: To create a sub-account API KEY, go to [API Management] and click [Create new API]. You can also edit the sub-account API permissions here. Simply click [Edit] to edit.
4. Transfer Record: You can check the fund transfer history for all sub-accounts. You can filter records by direction ([Transfer in] or [Transfer out]), coin and dates.
5. Login History: You can check all login details of sub-accounts, e.g., logged-in device, IP address, location and date.
6. Operation History: You can check the actions that have been done on the respective sub-accounts, e.g., freeze, unfreeze, set permissions, etc.
Sub-Account FAQs
(1) Can I withdraw assets from my sub-account?
You are not allowed to withdraw assets from the sub-account directly. Withdrawals are only possible after moving assets from sub-accounts to their main accounts.
(2) Can I transfer assets from one sub-account to another sub-account?
You can use your main account to transfer assets between sub-accounts. However, the sub-account itself cannot perform an internal transfer.
(3) Can the sub-account receive the transaction fees commission from the referral program?
The referral program commission of all sub-accounts will be rebated to the main account of the referrer.
(4) Can the sub-account become a trader or a copier for copy trade?
Sub-accounts are eligible to become both the trader and the copier for copy trade.
Note: You need to log out of the main account and log in to the sub-account before applying for a sub-account to become a copy trader.
(5) Does the sub-account require KYC verification?
The main account and all sub-accounts share the same identity verification. Therefore, you do not need to submit KYC again if the main account has already done so.
(6) Can the sub-account create the API Key on its own?
No, only the main account can create the API Key.
(7) Can the sub-account bind with Google two-factor authentication (2FA)?
Yes, it can. We highly recommend enabling Google two-factor authentication (2FA) on your sub-accounts for security reasons.
Note: You need to log out of the main account and log in to the sub-account to enable Google two-factor authentication (2FA) for the sub-account.
(8) Are all sub-accounts entitled to the same transaction fee discount as the main account?
Your VIP tier will be defined by the aggregate trading volume of the main account and the corresponding sub-accounts, enabling you to trade with even more favorable fees.
(9) Will the trading volume of the sub-accounts be included or counted in the event participation?
For event participation, the total valid trading volume will be calculated based on the cumulative trading volume of the main account and the corresponding sub-accounts.
(10) Can the sub-account receive relevant notifications?
All notifications, such as login, liquidation and other notifications, will be sent to the registered email of the sub-account. Nevertheless, the main account can choose whether to receive sub-account notifications or not (limited to email notifications only).
(11) Can the sub-account complete the tasks in the "Rewards Center" and redeem the rewards?
Sub-accounts cannot access the "Rewards Center". The reward can only be redeemed by the main account.
That’s all for the walk-through of the beginner's journey on Bitget!
May your journey through Bitget be prosperous and rewarding! Feel free to connect anytime for assistance and explore a plethora of opportunities awaiting you in the Bitget-Verse.
Feeling ready? Register now and explore the wonderful crypto world at Bitget!