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- BitgetBitget Sees 683% Growth in Gen Z Users Following Trump's Election Victory Key Takeaways Gen Z's share of new crypto exchange users spiked from 26.2% to 53.8% in November. A monthly inflow of GenZ users on Bitget reached a record growth of 683%. Donald Trump's pro-crypto stance during the U.S. presidential election resonated with young users, highlighting the role of political narratives in shaping financial behavior. Post-election optimism increased Bitcoin prices, fueling market enthusiasm and attracting new participants amid FOMO. The U.S. election on2024-12-19
- BitgetMonthly Transparency Report November 2024 In November 2024, Bitcoin surged past $90,000 fueled by optimism following pro-crypto policies under the newly elected U.S. administration. The total crypto market cap soared to over $3 trillion, with Ripple's XRP leading altcoin gains, rising over 200%. Institutional inflows and the approval of Bitcoin ETFs further boosted market sentiment, despite concerns over sustainability and potential volatility. At Bitget, this ATH trend was replicated in many aspects. Starting with Bitget Token (2024-12-19
- BitgetBitget Prepares for MiCA Compliance with an Upcoming Europe Regional Hub Victoria, Seychelles, 11th December 2024: Bitget, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, is exploring the establishment of its Europe regional hub in Lithuania as part of its strategic expansion in the European Union. The move aligns with the EU’s Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) framework, which aims to provide a unified regulatory environment for crypto assets across the region. The company is actively preparing for compliance under the MiCA framework, including plan2024-12-11