Simple 3-step guide to buying BAD today in Kenya
Create your free Bitget account
Select a funding method
Complete your Bad Idea AI purchase
Step 1: Create a free account on the Bitget website or the app
Step 2: Place an order for Bad Idea AI using a payment method of your choice:
Buy Bad Idea AI with a debit/credit card
For Visa or Mastercard, select Credit/Debit card, then click Add New Card under the Buy tab.Credit/Debit in the Buy Crypto tab of the Bitget appCredit/Debit in the Buy Crypto tab of the Bitget websiteSelect your preferred fiat currency, enter the amount you wish to spend, link your credit card, and then complete your payment with zero fees.Add a new card to complete your payment on the Bitget appEnter your bank card details to complete your payment on the Bitget websiteFor Diners Club/Discover card, click Buy Crypto > [Third Party] in the top navigation bar to place your Bad Idea AI order.How to buy crypto with credit/debit cardBuy Bad Idea AI with Google Pay or Apple Pay
Converting your Google Pay and Apple Pay balance into Bad Idea AI is easy and secure on Bitget. Simply click Buy Crypto > [Third Party] in the top navigation bar to place your Bad Idea AI order.How to buy crypto via third-party gatewayBuy with bank transfer
We accept various payment methods, including iDeal and SEPA for EUR, PIX for BRL, PayID for AUD, UPI for INR, QRIS, DANA, and OVO for IDR, SPEI for MXN, and GCash for PHP. These services are facilitated by Alchemy Pay, Banxa, Mercuryo, and Simplex payment gateways. Simply select Buy Crypto > [Third Party] in the top navigation bar and select a fiat currency to place your Bad Idea AI order.Buy Bad Idea AI with the fiat balance in your Bitget account
You can Deposit fiat funds using Advcash, SEPA, Faster Payments, or PIX payment gateways to top up your Bitget fiat balance. Then, click Buy Crypto > [Cash conversion] in the top navigation bar to place your Bad Idea AI order.
P2P trading
Step 3: Monitor Bad Idea AI in your Bitget spot wallet
Bitget: Where the world trades Bad Idea AI
Alternative methods to buy Bad Idea AI in Kenya
Buy Bad Idea AI with crypto on Bitget Convert
Swap on-chain assets to Bad Idea AI with Bitget Swap
How to buy Bad Idea AI for free
- Learn how to earn Bad Idea AI for free through the Learn2Earn promotion
- Earn free Bad Idea AI by inviting friends to join Bitget's Assist2Earn promotion
- Receive free Bad Idea AI airdrops by joining On-going challenges and promotions
Buy Bad Idea AI
Buy other cryptos
Buy Bad Idea AI in a different country
What can you do with Bad Idea AI in Kenya?
Store/Hold Bad Idea AI
Many users hold on to their Bad Idea AI with the expectation of it increasing in value. You can store your BAD safely on your Bitget account or on our crypto wallet app BG Wallet, the most user-friendly and secure mobile wallet.
Trade Bad Idea AI
You can trade Bad Idea AI for 150+ cryptocurrencies on Bitget’s industry-leading, fast, and secure trading platform. Bitget offers many trading pairs for Bad Idea AI trading to meet your needs.
Send Bad Idea AI
Yes, Bitget allows you to easily transfer value around the world, fast. You can buy Bad Idea AI online and send to anyone and anywhere with their Bad Idea AI address.
Spend Bad Idea AI
You can also buy goods and services with your Bad Idea AI. More and more vendors and retailers accept Bad Idea AI every day.
Earn Bad Idea AI (BAD)
Bad Idea AI (BAD) futures
Market stats to assist in determining optimal times for purchasing Bad Idea AI
What is Bad Idea AI (BAD)?
Bad Idea AI is an ERC-20 meme coin that combines the idea of blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). While it's positioned as a meme coin and described as a daring, tongue-in-cheek decentralized experiment, its essence goes beyond mere "education and entertainment."
The project was launched in May 2023.
How Bad Idea AI (BAD) Works
Bad Idea AI crafts a unique ecosystem, drawing from the power of blockchain, AI, DAOs, and human creativity. It dreams of a world where AI and humans stand on equal footing in decision-making, all within the trusted environment of blockchain. The project's foundation rests on four governance pillars: AI's involvement in decision-making, Human DAOs balancing AI's influence, a multi-signature veto system for added security, and a harmonious balance between AI and human input.
How Many Bad Idea AI (BAD) Tokens Are in Circulation?
BAD has a total supply of 831,041,059,897,327. The current circulating supply of BAD is 534,960,000,000,000.
How to Buy Bad Idea AI (BAD)
Consider investing in Bad Idea AI (BAD)? It only takes 2 minutes tocreate an account on Bitget and start trading BAD.
Check out the available BAD trading pairs on Bitget!
Spot market
Bad Idea AI (BAD) Resources
Buy Bad Idea AI in Kenya with Bitget
How to safely store your Bad Idea AI
- Sign up and transfer BAD to your Bitget account.
- Alternatively, use Bitget Wallet as a self-custody solution for your BAD.