Trading Bots

Strategic Trading

2022-10-18 17:120237

Dear Global Bitgetters:

1. What is strategic trading?

It is a brand new product line, including 2 business types

(1) Offer free strategy bots to users

(2) Offer services of strategy deals and subscriptions to strategists

(i) Strategy Deals: Users can release strategies in Strategy Plaza, and other users can buy them and copy strategy parameters with one click.

(ii) Subscription: During the subscription validity period, users can copy all strategies initiated by strategists

2. What kinds of strategy bots are there?
There are already 6 kinds of grid strategies, including Spot Future grid,and DCA strategy. More strategies including automatic investment will be launched this year.

3. How many identities does the platform have?

The default identity
  1. Create strategies
  2. Release strategies
  3. Buy strategies
  4. Subscribe to strategists
Strategy Providers
Successfully released strategies
  1. Create strategies
  2. Release strategies
  3. Buy strategies
  4. Subscribe to strategists
  5. Access to strategy management
Users need to apply and get approved
  1. Create strategies
  2. Release strategies
  3. Access to strategy management

4. How to copy strategies after subscribing to strategists?

(1) Copy automatically: This feature requires pre-configuration and pre-activation. When strategists successfully create leading strategies, users can create the same strategies with the same parameters in the user account.

(2) Copy manually: Users can manually copy strategists' strategies

5. How will users be charged when using strategy bots?

Users will be charged based on the corresponding fee rate of the user‘s account no matter whether users create or copy strategies. The platform will not charge additional fees.

6. Can the strategists be the traders at the copy trading platform?

Yes. Now the logic is that, when a copy trader has set the trading pair for his/her orders, the pair will not be available for strategy bots. Therefore, you can initiate orders in copy trading and strategy trading at the same time if trading pairs in copy orders are different from strategy orders’. It will be upgraded in the future, that is, copy traders will be allowed to use any strategy, and it will be screened off when users copy trades.

Bitget Team

October 19, 2022

