Competitions and promotions

Bitget Elite Recruitment!

2023-01-11 12:070549
Bitget Elite Recruitment! image 0
Dear Global Bitgetters,

The Bitget Elite Program is available for any individual who has built a social media audience or loyal followers by consistently delivering quality information and updates about crypto.

What are the criteria to become Bitget Elite?

Your crypto-relevant communities (i.e., Telegram groups or channels, Twitter, Youtube, Discord accounts):

1. You are a professional trader and would like to build a community

2. You are capable of creating video or social content on trading strategy

3. It would be a plus if you already got a community or fanbase with:

  • A total user base of 100+ followers or subscribers

  • Active group members with 50+ daily messages and/or 100+ views per post

  • Engagement and discussion about multiple crypto-related topics (i.e., crypto trading analysis, user experience, or updates about crypto space)

Apply to be Bitget Elite here:

Recruitment Period: January 11, to February 11, 2023

Privileges and Rewards:

  1. Rebate Commission above 40%!

  2. Monthly partnership rewards up to $5,000

  3. Exclusive Campaign Up to $3,000 Rewards from Bitget

  4. Support to Grow your community and Free Technica l Trading training

  5. Bitget early update news and Elite Badge

Terms and Conditions:

1. This program is available for all regions.

2. Applicants who are agents will not be eligible.

3. Applicants will be reviewed based on their crypto-relevant communities accounts they provide below. Once you meet our requirements, Bitget internal team will reach out to you for further discussion.

4. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of this program.

Bitget Team

January 11, 2023