Competitions and promotions

Bitget ACE Copy Trader Competition (February) Begins!

2023-02-13 15:300354
Bitget ACE Copy Trader Competition (February) Begins! image 0
Global Bitgetters,
Bitget ACE Copy Trader competition (February) begins! Begining today, Bitget will launch the ACE copy trader competition every month. Three trading prizes are available for those who have the highest win rate, highest trading volume, and most followers in Bitget futures and spot copy trading. There are also rewards like USDT and Bitget flow support!
Registration period: February 13, 2023 - February 28, 2023

Register Now


Win Rate Star Trader of February

Bitget will select the first three traders who have the highest win rate among those who have registered for futures copy trading event to distribute rewards:
Win Rate Rankings
Bonuses in USDT
Bitget Flow Support
Top 1
Top 2
Top 3
  1. Traders should open at least ten positions in February
  2. The trading volume of opening positions in February should be no less than 100,000 USDT
  3. The win rate in February can be no less than 60%

Trading Volume Star Trader of February

Bitget will select the first three traders who have the highest trading volume among those who have registered for the copy trading event to distribute rewards:
Ranking of Trading Volume in February
Bonuses in USDT
Bitget Flow Support
Top 1
Top 2
Top 3
  1. The trading volume of opening positions in February should be no less than 200,000 USDT
  2. Followers should be no less than 200
  3. Win rate and ROI in February can be no less than 40%

Leading Order Star Trader of February

Bitget will select the first three traders who have the most followers among those who have registered for copy trading event to distribute rewards:
Ranking of Trading Volume in February
Bonuses in USDT
Bitget Flow Support
Top 1
Top 2
Top 3
  1. The trading volume of opening positions in February should be no less than 200,000 USDT
  2. ROI should be no less than 40%
  3. Invite over 50 new copy trading users in February

Bitget Flow Support

  • Leaderboard list
  • Bitget social media flow support
  • ACE copy trader announcement
Additional reward:
All selected traders will join the Bitget trader foundation and participate in future events and training. Every winning trader will also be offered exclusive 24/7 customer service support.

  • Traders in the event must be copy traders that have been approved by Bitget.
  • Traders should click the registration link in the page to register.
  • Sub accounts will not be deemed as separate accounts for the event, and sub account trading volumes will be included with the master account.
  • All rewards will be distributed into the winners’ Bitget account within 14 working days after the event ends.
  • Any fraudulent behavior, including but not limited to money laundering, account manipulation, and insider trading will disqualify the user. When fraudulent behavior is discovered, Bitget reserves the right to freeze the fraudulent account, confiscate any related proceeds, and impose the appropriate penalties.
  • Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation for the event.