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Join Bitget VIP English Telegram Group and claim Splendid Rewards!

2023-08-30 12:0001694

Join Bitget VIP English Telegram Group and claim Splendid Rewards! image 0

To offer VIP users an exclusive experience, we've created the Bitget VIP English Telegram Group! Upon joining, you'll unlock a multitude of splendid rewards!
Within this group, you'll access personalized privileges. Connect with platform executives, industry leaders, and seasoned investors. Stay updated with the latest Bitget product insights and events. Dive into the newest industry updates, harness m arket trends, and elevate your investment prowess. Everything you desire awaits you here! Join now!

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Bitget VIP English Group Gift
Gift Type Reward Eligibility
Entry Gift 20 USDT in Trading Bonus Available upon joining the group
Achievement Gift 1. 100 USDT in Trading Bonus
2. Limited Edition Merch
Qualify for any of the following to claim gifts.

1. Monthly spot trading volume >1,000,000 USDT.
2. Monthly contract trading volume >10,000,000 USDT.
3. VIP level days ≥ 30 days
There are two types of gifts for group members: Entry Gifts and Achievement Gifts. Users can only claim each gift once.
Who's eligible for joining the group:
  1. All VIP users (VIP1-VIP5) in the English region.
  2. Specially invited clients.

Becoming a Bitget VIP is well within your reach - meets criteria like spot trading volume, futures trading volume, asset amount, or BGB holdings. Revel in unparalleled VIP services tailored by our dedicated team. Check your current VIP level on the VIP page.

Terms and Conditions
  1. Participation in this group is exclusively open to VIP users whose UID belongs to the English region. VIP customers can seek guidance from their dedicated relationship managers for any queries through the VIP page.
  2. To ensure your privacy, the community operates on an approval system. Once you click the group link, provide your UID to your account manager. Upon verification, your entry will be promptly approved.
  3. Users need to fill out a form to apply for the gifts. The registration form's submission date determines the assessment period, which aligns with the natural month of submission. For example, if you submit information on July 5th, your account's assessment period will be from July 1st to July 31st.
  4. Gifts will be distributed by the 10th of the following month. Keep an eye on your email and delivery notifications. Please maintain your VIP status until rewards are issued.
  5. Bitget reserves the right to interpret these terms and conditions, including but not limited to modifications, alterations, or event cancellations. Further notice will not be provided. For inquiries, reach out to us.

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