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Alert on phishing scam prevention

2023-10-30 05:4156953

Recently, we have detected fraudulent activities within the industry, including the use of phishing links under the name of Bitget, fake customer service, misleading advertisements, and malicious associations. Please refrain from scanning QR codes from unofficial sources, clicking on unfamiliar links, or logging into not secure websites, preventing account and password leakage, which may cause unnecessary losses.

Make sure you use the official Bitget website ( or the official Bitget app.

If you come across information that cannot be verified, please reach out to our official customer service through the official Bitget app or use ( for verification.

We also encourage users to set up anti-phishing codes on the Personal Center > Security > Anti-Phishing Code page, to further protect yourself against fake websites.

Bitget will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by users falling victim to unverified and fraudulent information.

Thank you for your continued support. We hope you enjoy the improved services. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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