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Cos’è $MEMEFi
Welcome, traveller! We've just launched the MemeFi Open Alpha.
MemeFi is a Web3 Social Tech game that stacks a complex social economy layer on top of PvP & PvE gameplay. In simple words, we make gaming more interesting by introducing keys that players trade to increase their rewards.
Keys are acess tokens to a share of rewards from a specific player. Owning a key allows users capitalize on yield from players' gameplay activity, increasing their return.
MemeFi is not just a game, but a living, breathing world with its peculiar laws and history. It's a chaotic universe full of perils and mysteries that exist in a crazy environment of eternal war between meme clans and memes themselves. MemeFi dwellers are hungry for gold and glory, rampanging through the meme lands and plundering riches, should they stumble upon them.
While the deranged chaos has become a bit less apparent after the First Furious War, MemeFi is still not a place to trifle with.
MemeFi is an innovative fusion of Social Tech and gaming, offering a unique blend of gameplay experiences. Players immerse themselves in the meme-filled universe by acquiring their social keys and $PWR boosts, enabling them to join clans, tackle daily missions, battle bosses, and participate in clan raids to earn rewards in $MEMEFI.
Central to the gameplay is a robust social layer where high-performing players ascend to become memelords (clan leaders), guiding their clans and making critical decisions while earning additional rewards. The introduction of keys introduces a novel dynamic, allowing players to monetize their performance. Through key trading, key owners redirect partial fees to other holders , fostering a symbiotic relationship where both parties benefit.
Following the initial mainnet launch, MemeFi plans to enhance gameplay with competitive and skill-based features, elevating performance as a crucial metric. Set in a vibrant meme world blending pop culture with fantasy, the game's art style captivates with its eclectic visuals and lore.
What sets MemeFi apart is its pioneering integration of Social Tech, empowering players to engage in investor strategies while enjoying competitive PvP mechanics and meme-inspired characters.
During the initial mainnet phase, the game's economy revolves around ETH, driving transactions and bolstering TVL.
Post TGE event, the economy will transition to a true pool model, further leveraging $MEMEFI as the primary currency for in-game purchases and progression, ensuring a dynamic and engaging gaming experience for players.
Chi ha distribuito $MEMEFi e quando
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Come acquistare il token $MEMEFi tramite exchange
Crea un account sull'exchange
Scarica gratuitamente l'app Bitget o l'app del tuo exchange preferito dall'App Store o da Google Play Store. Gli utenti desktop possono andare su, registrarsi su Bitget con il proprio indirizzo email/numero di cellulare e creare una password forte per proteggere il proprio account.
Verifica il tuo account
Verifica la tua identità inserendo i tuoi dati personali e caricando un documento d'identità valido con foto. Aggiungi una carta di credito/debito o un conto bancario dopo aver verificato il tuo conto Bitget.
Ottieni un po' di USDT
Holda USDT sul tuo account per cambiare in $MEMEFi. Se non hai USDT, puoi acquistare direttamente tramite l'acquisto rapido con una carta di credito/debito o conto bancario, oppure depositare USDT dal tuo portafoglio.
Cambia USDT per $MEMEFi
Vai al mercato Spot e scambia USDT per $MEMEFi.
Come acquistare Telegram app token $MEMEFi tramite il portafoglio
Creare un portafoglio
Scarica gratuitamente Bitget Wallet o un portafoglio di tua scelta dall'App Store o da Google Play Store. Gli utenti desktop possono scaricare l'estensione per Google Chrome da
Ottieni un po' di Ton
Tieni Ton nel tuo Bitget Wallet per cambiare in $MEMEFi. Se non hai Ton, puoi acquistarlo direttamente dal tuo Bitget Wallet, trasferirlo da un altro portafoglio o acquistarlo sull'exchange Bitget e trasferirlo nel tuo portafoglio.
Vai su Telegram
Collegati a Telegram Vai su Telegram in Google Chrome o sul browser all'interno dell'applicazione Bitget Wallet. Collega il tuo portafoglio. Incolla l'indirizzo del token $MEMEFi in Telegram, seleziona $MEMEFi e conferma. Fornisci la tua firma quando Bitget Wallet ti chiede di firmare il portafoglio.
Cambia Ton per $MEMEFi
Cambia Ton in $MEMEFi. Poi, puoi visualizzare $MEMEFi nel tuo Bitget Wallet.
Tokenomics di $MEMEFi
Offerta di token
TOKENOMICS BREAKDOWN: 90% TO COMMUNITY, NO LOCKS You guys have been asking for a deeper tokenomics dive? Here it is: Community: 90% Liquidity: 5.5% Investors (Partner, Seed, Strategic and Early Adopter Rounds): 4.5%