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Sweat Economyの価格

Sweat Economyの‌価格SWEAT


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今日のSweat Economyの価格

Sweat Economy の今日の現在価格は、(SWEAT / JPY)あたり¥0.7705 で、現在の時価総額は¥5.41B JPYです。24時間の取引量は¥1.09B JPYです。SWEATからJPYの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。Sweat Economy は6.31%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は7,026,104,000 です。




Sweat Economyの利益を計算する

Sweat Economyの価格予測




2031年には、SWEATの価格は+48.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、SWEATの価格は¥1.51に達し、累積ROIは+94.59%になると予測されます。

Sweat Economyの価格履歴(JPY)

Sweat Economyの価格は、この1年で-58.00%を記録しました。直近1年間のJPY建てSWEATの最高値は¥2.69で、直近1年間のJPY建てSWEATの最安値は¥0.6861でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間-25.57%¥0.6297(2023-06-15, 1年前 )¥13.9(2022-09-14, 2年前 )

Sweat Economyの市場情報

Sweat Economyの時価総額の履歴

Sweat Economyを今すぐ購入する

Sweat Economy市場

  • #
  • ペア
  • 種類
  • 価格
  • 24時間の取引量
  • 操作
  • 1
  • 現物
  • 0.005198
  • $247.66K
  • 取引
  • Sweat Economyの集中度別保有量


    Sweat Economyの保有時間別アドレス


    Sweat Economyの評価


    Sweat Economy (SWEAT)について

    Sweat EconomySWEAT)とは?

    Sweat Economyは、人気のフィットネスアプリ「Sweatcoin」から生まれた暗号通貨プロジェクトです。このアプリは、世界中で11000万人以上のユーザーを持ち、日々の身体活動に対して報酬を提供することで、人々に健康的な生活を送ることを奨励しています。当初、ユーザーは自分の努力の報酬として、仮想トークンであるSweatcoinを獲得していました。しかし、Sweat Economyの導入により、ユーザーはSweatcoinを暗号資産トークンであるSWEATに変換し、それを使って現実世界の賞品や体験を要求できるようになりました。20229月現在、Sweatcoin58カ国でトップクラスの健康、フィットネスアプリとなっています。

    Sweat Economy SWEAT)の創設者とは?

    Sweat Economy は、ロンドンを拠点とし、 Coca Cola Visa,PepsiCoBoston Consulting Groupどの大手企業で経験を積んだ起業家Oleg Fomenkoが共同設立しました。Fomenkoはまた、月額1ポンドで無制限のストリーミングを提供し、120万人以上のユーザーを獲得したモバイル音楽ストリーミングサービス「」を創設し、CEOを務めました。Bloom.fmが閉鎖した後、フォメンコはSweat Economyの取り組みを開始しました。

    もう一人の共同創設者である Anton Derlyatkaは、London Business SchoolからMBAを取得し、Stanford Business SchoolおよびUS Berkeleyのプログラムを修了しています。Derlyatkaは以前、フィットネステックを専門とするVCに勤務していたほか、ReebokKearnyPepsiで上級管理職を務めていました。

    Sweat EconomyCTO兼共同創設者であるEgor Khmelevは、 University of London のコンピューターサイエンスプログラムを卒業し、モスクワでいくつかのテックスタートアップを率いてきました。

    Sweat EconomyCCOであるHenry Child氏は、伝統的な金融の経験があり、テックと暗号資産に移行する前にヘッジファンドで働いていました。Childは以前、BitfinexTether、およびDeliveroo本社で勤務していました。

    Sweat Economy SWEAT)の仕組みは?

    Sweat EconomyWeb3プラットフォームで運営されています。世界中に11000万人以上のユーザーを持つ人気のフィットネスアプリ、Sweatcoinに支えられています。Sweat Economyの「Sweat Wallet」は、サービスローンチからわずか4ヶ月ですでに1300万以上のウォレットが作成されています。ユーザーは身体活動によってSWEATトークンを獲得でき、これらのトークンは「Growth Jars」でステーキングされ、さらなる報酬、より良いアプリ体験、および取引手数料の削減が可能です。さらに、Sweat Economyは「Sweat Hero」というエキサイティングなNFTゲームを提供しており、プレイヤーはSWEATトークンを獲得するために競争できます20229月現在、Sweatcoin58か国でトップレートの健康、フィットネスアプリです。

    Sweat EconomySWEAT)の特徴は?

    Sweat Economyは、より健康的で活動的な世界を作るために、身体活動を奨励するユニークなアプリです。このアプリは、play-to-earnのような先駆的なmove-to-earnM2E)を利用しており、ユーザーは参加に応じて金銭的報酬を得ることができます。ユーザーは、日常生活で体を動かすことで暗号資産を得ることができます。チームによると、このアプリはユーザーの身体活動を平均で20%増加させました。Sweat EconomyNHSと提携し、より健康的な社会の実現と世界の医療制度への負担軽減を支援しています。アプリはユーザーのデータを販売したことはありませんが、ユーザーは自分の運動データをヘルスケア企業に売却するオプションを持っています。STEPは既にM2Eトレンドを開始し、報告によると300万人以上のユーザーがいます。Sweat Economyは、トークンの発行とWeb3「ライフスタイルアプリケーション」への移行前に既存のアプリケーションとグローバルなユーザーベースを持っていたため、暗号資産スペースにおけるユニークなプレイヤーとなっています。


    SweatトークンとSweat Walletは、プルーフ・オブ・ステイク(PoS)コンセンサス・メカニズムで動作するレイヤーワンのブロックチェーンであるNEARプロトコル上で開発されています。


    要約すると、Sweat Economyの現在のユーザーベースとWeb3の「ライフスタイルアプリケーション」へのシフトは、暗号資産業界において際立って有望なプレーヤーです。世界中の人々がより健康的で活動的な未来を実現できるよう支援しています。

    Sweat Economy(SWEAT)の購入方法





    Sweat EconomyをSWEATに交換

    Sweat EconomyをSWEATに交換

    BitgetでSweat Economyを購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。








    Sweat Economyの現在の価格はいくらですか?

    Sweat Economyのライブ価格は¥0.77(SWEAT/JPY)で、現在の時価総額は¥5,413,939,783.7 JPYです。Sweat Economyの価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。Sweat Economyのリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

    Sweat Economyの24時間取引量は?

    過去24時間で、Sweat Economyの取引量は¥1.09Bです。

    Sweat Economyの過去最高値はいくらですか?

    Sweat Economy の過去最高値は¥13.9です。この過去最高値は、Sweat Economyがローンチされて以来の最高値です。

    BitgetでSweat Economyを購入できますか?

    はい、Sweat Economyは現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

    Sweat Economyに投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


    Sweat Economyを最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


    Sweat Economy(SWEAT)はどこで買えますか?

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    Bitgetを介してオンラインでSweat Economyを購入することを含む暗号資産投資は、市場リスクを伴います。Bitgetでは、簡単で便利な購入方法を提供しており、取引所で提供している各暗号資産について、ユーザーに十分な情報を提供するよう努力しています。ただし、Sweat Economyの購入によって生じる結果については、当社は責任を負いかねます。このページおよび含まれる情報は、特定の暗号資産を推奨するものではありません。



    Bitget Earn

    1 SWEAT = 0.7705 JPY


    $SWEAT Massive$SWEAT massive return 💥booked from sweat 💸 350$ not it time to buy $HOLDCOIN i told you to buy just like$GPT $PGPT $TUT 💸$MUBARAK $FARTCOIN $U2U $WUF $NEIROETH $SWELL $CEC $DOGS $BTC 🎉
    2025/03/15 11:53
    Laixe: The AI-Powered Crypto Revolution You Didn’t See Coming!
    Imagine a world where an AI doesn’t just analyze crypto markets it actively hunts down the next big token, broadcasts its picks to the masses, and executes trades faster than you can say “to the moon.” That’s not a sci-fi fantasy; it’s Laixe, a groundbreaking AI project that’s poised to redefine how we discover, trade, and engage with cryptocurrency. Built on the lightning-fast Solana blockchain, Laixe isn’t just another tool for traders it’s a full-blown AI agent designed to replicate the instincts of a top-tier Key Opinion Leader (KOL). And trust me, after a decade of writing about crypto, I’ve never seen anything quite like this. What Is Laixe? The Elevator Pitch At its core, Laixe is an AI-driven platform with a singular, ambitious goal: to spot promising tokens, amplify them across Twitter and Telegram, and auto-trade them with precision. Think of it as your personal crypto whisperer, tirelessly scanning the market so you don’t have to. While it currently focuses on Solana tokens known for their speed and low fees the team has its sights set on expanding to other blockchains down the line. But what sets Laixe apart isn’t just its vision; it’s the way it blends cutting-edge tech with real-world utility, all wrapped in a package that’s surprisingly easy to use. The project kicked off with a simple idea: replicate the hustle of a human KOL, but make it smarter, faster, and infinitely scalable. From there, it’s evolved into a multi-faceted beast, combining machine learning, semantic analysis, and auto-trading into one seamless operation. And with a roadmap targeting completion by early April 2025, Laixe is moving at a pace that’d make even Solana’s transaction speeds blush. Tokenomics: The $LAIXE Blueprint Let’s talk numbers. Laixe’s token, $LAIXE, is the fuel powering this rocket. With a total supply of 1 billion tokens and a circulating supply of 994,210,036, nearly all of it is already in play meaning no massive unlocks are looming to spook the market. As of March 15, 2025, the market cap sits at a modest $50K, spread across 392 holders. That’s a tiny valuation for a project with this much ambition, hinting at serious growth potential if the team delivers. For context, plenty of Solana microcaps have ballooned from this level to millions overnight with the right hype and Laixe’s got the tech to back it up. Holding $LAIXE isn’t just about riding the price wave, though. Soon, you’ll need at least 1 million tokens to unlock premium features like the auto-trading agent. With 1 billion in total supply, that’s a 0.1% stake accessible yet exclusive enough to reward early believers. It’s a savvy move that ties the token’s utility directly to the platform’s success. The Engine Under the Hood: How Laixe Works Laixe isn’t just throwing darts at a board and hoping for a bullseye. Its tech stack is a masterclass in innovation, leveraging some of the hottest tools in AI today. Here’s the breakdown: Auto-Trading and Tracking Module This is the heart of Laixe. The team has rolled out an initial site to iron out bugs, but the real magic happens with its integration of DeepSeek R1 a large language model (LLM) that’s making waves for its reasoning prowess. Paired with machine learning and semantic analysis, Laixe sifts through the noise of the crypto world to pinpoint tokens with breakout potential. Once it locks onto a winner, it calls it out on Twitter and Telegram, then sets up an auto-trading agent to capitalize on the hype. What’s cool here is the customization. The trading agent comes with editable filters, so users can tweak its strategy post-call. Whether you’re chasing 3x pumps or playing it safe, Laixe adapts to your vibe. The team’s even teased that this module will be fully operational by April 2025 mark your calendars. Entertainment Module: More Than Just Trading Laixe isn’t all business. Its entertainment module brings a playful twist with a voicebot that hangs out in Twitter Spaces. This little chatterbox can banter with users, respond to KOL tweets on command, and even whip up images using DeepSeek Janus Pro 7B a multimodal AI that’s as creative as it is clever. Imagine a bot that not only trades but also keeps the community buzzing with witty replies and memes. It’s a genius way to keep users engaged while the trading engine does the heavy lifting. Telegram Channel Stat Tracking: The Secret Sauce Here’s where Laixe flexes its analytical muscles. The platform tracks Telegram channels those chaotic hubs where token calls live or die using a meticulous methodology. Every few days, it scrapes messages from the past 90 days, logging timestamps and contract addresses. It then deduplicates calls, grabs the highest price in the 5-minute candle at the call time, and tracks the peak multiplier afterward. The result? Hard data on which channels deliver the goods. For example, Laixe calculates a channel’s “3x multiplier” the percentage of calls that hit at least triple their initial price. It’s like a report card for Telegram tipsters, and it’s already live for users to explore. This isn’t just trivia; it’s a goldmine for spotting reliable sources in a sea of shillers. Current Utility: What You Can Do Right Now Laixe isn’t waiting for April to be useful. It’s already packed with features that can sharpen your trading game today: 1. Query Tab: Dig into Telegram channels with proven track records. Want to know who’s calling winners? This is your starting point. 2. DeepSeek Alerts Tab: Stay on top of the latest Telegram notifications. If you’re eyeing a token, punch it into the search bar to see if it’s been hyped in tracked channels. 3. Social Scanner: Get a pulse on Twitter sentiment for any token. Is the crowd bullish or bearish? Laixe spills the tea. These tools alone make Laixe a must-have for Solana traders, and they’re just the appetizer. Posts on X from users like NotMistic1 and beni_franklin hint at a growing buzz, with some claiming Laixe’s hit rate for 2x+ calls exceeds 60% over the last 20 picks. That’s the kind of stat that turns heads especially for a project with a $50K MCAP that could 10x without breaking a sweat. The Money Play: How Laixe Pays the Bills No crypto project survives without a solid monetization plan, and Laixe has its ducks in a row. The team’s strategy is straightforward but smart: - Auto-Trading Fees: Access to the trading agent will come with daily or per-transaction costs. Think of it like a subscription to your own AI fund manager. - Premium Data: Advanced datasets for power users who crave deeper insights. - Ad Revenue: Google Ads and crypto-specific placements will keep the lights on while keeping the core experience accessible. That 1 million $LAIXE token requirement for premium features? It’s a brilliant hook. At today’s $50K MCAP, grabbing that stake is dirt cheap about $50 by my math but as the platform grows, so does the incentive to hodl. Early adopters could see their investment multiply as demand spikes. Why Laixe Matters: The Bigger Picture Crypto moves fast, and Solana’s ecosystem is a pressure cooker of opportunity. But with speed comes chaos pump-and-dumps, rug pulls, and FOMO can burn even the savviest traders. Laixe steps in as a beacon of clarity, using AI to cut through the clutter. It’s not just about finding the next 10x token; it’s about building a system that’s sustainable, scalable, and community-driven. The integration of DeepSeek R1 and Janus Pro 7B isn’t just tech flexing it’s a signal that Laixe is playing in the big leagues. DeepSeek’s recent headlines (think $1 trillion market shakeups and OpenAI-level performance at a fraction of the cost) prove it’s a force to be reckoned with. By hitching its wagon to this star, Laixe is positioning itself as a pioneer in AI-driven crypto. The Road Ahead: Early April 2025 and Beyond With the roadmap targeting completion in just a few weeks, Laixe is on the cusp of something big. The auto-trading agent will be the crown jewel, but don’t sleep on the community angle.That voicebot in Twitter Spaces? It’s not just a gimmick it’s a bridge to a tighter, more engaged user base. And as Laixe expands beyond Solana, it could become a cross-chain juggernaut. X chatter from LaixeDev suggests they’re already tweaking the algorithm to boost that 60% hit rate even higher. If they pull it off, Laixe could be the go-to name in AI crypto trading by summer and that $50K MCAP could look like pocket change. Final Thoughts: Should You Care? If you’re a crypto newbie, Laixe is your cheat code to navigating Solana’s wild west. If you’re a seasoned trader, it’s a tool to sharpen your edge. And if you’re just here for the tech, it’s a front-row seat to the AI revolution in blockchain. With a total supply of 1 billion $LAIXE and a market cap that’s still in the sandbox, the upside is tantalizing. No one’s writing articles about Laixe like this because no one’s lived crypto like I have ten years of booms, busts, and everything in between. Laixe isn’t just a project; it’s a vibe. It’s the future of trading wrapped in a package that’s equal parts brainy and fun. So, hop on Telegram, check the sentiment on Twitter, and snag some $LAIXE while it’s still a steal because Laixe is about to take the crypto world by storm, and you won’t want to miss the ride. ⚠️Disclaimer This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
    2025/03/12 02:05
    $BTC at $82K? No need to sweat. We all know how it works, but whichever way, get ready for the next events before the week’s over. If you wann put your capital to work efficiently rather than gambling on memes, several stablecoin yield opportunities are offering good returns, some reaching up to 270% APY. ✅ Low risk, high yield ✅ Minimum TVL: $1M ✅ No market volatility drama This is a strategic approach to earning yield while waiting for $BTC’s next move. Which stablecoin yield pools are currently on your radar?
    Ravikash Gupta
    Ravikash Gupta
    2025/02/27 17:25
    Sweat Economy Introduces AI Assistants to Personalize Web3 Fitness Incentives
    Sweat Economy, a Web3 platform with 20 million mobile users incentivizing physical activity, has announced at EthDenver the launch of its new artificial intelligence-powered personal agents in its Sweat Wallet app. The initiative was developed in partnership with NEAR.AI, NEAR Protocol’s (NEAR) AI unit. This new large-scale AI deployment is powered by 700,000 queries from $SWEAT token holders and represents a milestone for consumer crypto by introducing personalized assistance to individual users. You might also like: Theta Labs and FlyQuest launch AI esports chatbot Bringing AI-powered assistance to millions With over 19 million $SWEAT token holders and 3 million monthly active users, Sweat Wallet is the first major consumer crypto app to integrate AI agents at scale. These AI-powered assistants will help users with staking, trading, movement incentives, and navigating the Web3 space with ease. “AI Agents will make Sweat Wallet the smartest omnichain Consumer Crypto app in the world, removing complexity and helping users become both healthier and wealthier,” said Oleg Fomenko, Co-Founder and CEO of Sweat Economy. “The large-scale deployment of AI Agents to millions of mobile SWEAT users marks the beginning of a trillion-agent future, where AI enhances human intelligence and transforms how users interact with crypto.” Unlike traditional AI-powered chatbots, SWEAT’s AI Agents directly connect to NEAR’s blockchain, allowing for real-time, on-chain personalized assistance. The system is designed for continuous upgrades, ensuring users receive evolving AI-powered support. Enhancing the Web3 experience with AI The Sweat Wallet AI agents will learn from individual user behavior, enhancing the Web3 experience by lowering entry barriers and providing AI-driven movement incentives. The personalized approach aims to boost engagement and retention, making Web3 as seamless as Web2. Following the launch, Sweat Wallet will roll out a plug-in with four new AI-powered modules: Health – Tracks and incentivizes physical activity. News – Provides curated updates on Web3 and crypto. Token Trends – Monitors $SWEAT and other token movements. Security – Enhances user protection and transaction safety.
    2025/02/23 13:49
    $SWEAT will pump hard buy to the moon insha Allah


    すべてのBitget資産の中で、時価総額がSweat Economyに最も近いのはこれらの8資産です。